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4. Configuration
Setting up your LIMS. Only users with lab manager authorisation have access to the LIMS configuration. Users won't have to come here regularly, most of the configuration is completed during initial implementation.
Located in User Manual
12 Batching
Batch Samples together per Work order, Project, Experiment, Batch import etc. Manage them in context
Located in User Manual
11 Workflow
How the basic transactional objects, Analyses and Sampless, proceed through the system, triggering actions and influencing parent objects. Much more efficiency is eventually achieved using Batches and Worksheet. More later
Located in User Manual
3 Clients and Contacts
​Bika is​ entirely web based and Clients may track the progress of their Samples online, access and search their results and COAs or run reports on it
Located in User Manual
8 Analysis Profiles and Templates
Analysis Panels and Masks. Collection of analyses frequently requested, stored as Analysis Profile and repeatedly used as sample registration 'template'
Located in User Manual
5 Instruments
Located in User Manual
User Manual
Bika and Senaite user manual. Open Source LIMS
User Manual
Bika and Senaite Open Source LIMS user manual
17 Use Cases
Some special cases resolved in Bika LIMS
Located in User Manual
10 Quality Control in Bika
QC results are captured with reference to the specific reference material and instrument used, and added to their control tables and charts. Out-of-range results raise alerts, prompting the user to initiate retesting workflow
Located in User Manual