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11 Workflow
How the basic transactional objects, Analyses and Sampless, proceed through the system, triggering actions and influencing parent objects. Much more efficiency is eventually achieved using Batches and Worksheet. More later
Located in User Manual
12 Batching
Batch Samples together per Work order, Project, Experiment, Batch import etc. Manage them in context
Located in User Manual
13 Worksheets
A number of similar analyses - on different samples but logically belonging together, such as intended for the same lab workstation, instrument of specific analyst - can be grouped into a single unit of work on a Worksheet. Sometimes called a Job Card. Here, all their results can be captured and reviewed together, in context of peers and associated QC results on the same page
Located in User Manual
17 Use Cases
Some special cases resolved in Bika LIMS
Located in User Manual
About Bika
bika (bi:ka Zulu) report, from clan to clan, bring news of weddings, births, festivals and funerals. tell it as it is
Asynchronous Background Processing
In high volume labs, such as those testing for tens of pesticides per sample, system performance slows down for big tasks such as submitting big Worksheets for Verification, and it is better to perform these tasks asynchronously in the background, freeing the user up to continue with other tasks in the LIMS. Asynchronous processes complete quicker too
Located in User Manual
Bika 开源 LIMS 项目的主页
自 2002 年以来,Bika/Senaite成功实施的所有系统,“比任何盒装产品效果都好”
Bika LIMS Products
Bika training videos
A collection of Bika LIMS training videos
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